Saturday, January 9, 2010

Amish Weddings

Well now...this SHOULD be the last distance blog for awhile. Ashton and Morgan will reunite Monday, January 11. Mark your calenders.

So, let's talk weddings. To date, Ashton has been to somewhere around 20 or 30 weddings, while Morgan has been to a total of...2, the last of which was on January 2nd of this year. Here's the kicker- I (Morgan, that is) did not know the groom; nor did I know the bride.
Ladies and gentleman, Morgan Meyers is a legit wedding crasher. First off-I went with an amish impostor (see picture featuring Luke Helmuth as the impostor and Zach Gibson as the other kid). Boy, were people confused. Second- I had planned to leave after the wedding ceremony, BUT instead found myself at a sit-down, name plated, 50 guest wedding reception. Third- I chose to hid out in the bathroom in hopes of avoiding the happy couple as they frolicked from table to table in greeting. I succeeded.
Yes, I did feel semi- awkward. Yes, I did feel rebellious. If you ask me, I would encourage everyone to try wedding crashing at least once before death. And then tell us about it...on MAblog.

Which leads us to Ashton's ridiculous wedding story. It all takes place on a humid, rainy, summer day on the infamous Winona Lake. Our beloved Ashton can be found passing out programs at this outdoor wedding. The audience is facing the water as this ceremony unfolds, enjoying the picturesque setting of lake, boats, and a butt? Yes boys and girls, the wedding was rudely interrupted by a water-skiing gentleman who proceeded to yell "Don't do it!", accompanied by a full moon! Now there's a divorce waiting to happen!

But really- we love weddings- (like Morgan would love to be invited to more:) We are so excited about our many great friends' upcoming weddings. But, we hope and pray that they experience 0 nude men and 0 wedding crashers.


  1. yay for amish weddings.

  2. morgan, in case i forget to invite you to mine... feel free to crash it.

  3. im not inviting you guys to my wedding, just so you have to crash it.
    just don't bring the naked water skier with you.

  4. 1) Morgan, how have you only been to two weddings in your lifetime? I don't understand. I'm pretty sure I go to two a month.

    2) Ashton, that water skier wedding story is hilarious.

    3) In other ridiculous wedding stories...I was once in a wedding (in Ohio actually) where the bride ordered all our dresses online. An hour before we descended down the she was getting her hair and makeup done...I made a horrific discovery. The three out of town friends had one color dress...and her two sisters had a different color dress. HAHA! oops. It was ridiculous.

    4) Also, one the Maid of Honor...I lost the grooms ring 10 min before the shindig began...and I thought I'd lost it while pinning the 95 year old grannies corsage on...and so I made her jump up and down to see if it dropped down her dress. It was horrific. And it was all caught on film. And THAT was hilarious. (The ring wasn't in there.)

  5. I love Ashtons story!!!!!

    O Man....I'm glad I grew up a little bit cause I would do something stupid like that!
